Welcome to unchain.app

unchain.app automatically monitors your Cryptocurrency Portfolio by synchronizing transactions from Wallets and Exchanges.

The web application is available through <https://unchain.app/>, new users can register at <https://unchain.app/Register>, while existing users can login at <https://unchain.app/Login>

This documentation can be used to guide you through the functionality of the application. It contains details on the all pages of the application, including methods to connect Wallets, with details on using API keys from Exchanges.


The application is currently in BETA TEST, we appreciate your feedback on bugs and feature requests.

System Status

The operational status of the services and servers is reported through our status page on <https://unchainapp.statuspage.io/>. After a problem has been identified, it will be reported on the status page when it the downtime falls without a couple of minutes.